Game Description

Ascend the falling rubble in this 2D vertical platformer. Do well and be rewarded with upgrades that modify the way you play from super jumps to air slices to wacky teleport balls.


Initial Inspiration for Thy Kingdom Crumble was a well animated GIF that I saw once somewhere and haven’t seen since. The GIF involved a stick figure slicing its way through a rock and traversing the falling rubble. Further gameplay inspiration came from Downwell, which gave the player random items that changed how they descended.

Key Game Features

  • Precise, vertical movement that uses the mouse to aim jumps so that you can thread the needle between falling debris.

  • Different abilities that change how you traverse upwards.

  • A plethora of items that increase your stats or alter how you interact with the world.

  • Soundtrack composed by Gisula

Review & My Reflections

“Short and nice little indie game with a unique concept . . .”
- Steam User

I had to learn how to optimize all the physics-enabled falling rocks. I thought basic 2D colliders would let me get away with it but there were a lot of rocks. There were a few context-clarifying animations that I wish I’d completed. I love pixel art but frame by frame animations can be tedious when I’d rather be coding.

I’d like to make 3D version of Crumble some day. A remake or a sequel, procedurally generated or built by hand, I haven’t decided. Mostly, I like the name. Thy Kingdom Crumble. It’s so cool, and deserves a cooler game someday.